Content :
Foreword to the First Edition by David D. Newsom
Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Enlarged Edition
1 Lessons from History
2 The Science: Models of Uncertainty
3 Spray Cans and Europolitics
4 Prelude to Consensus
5 Forging the U.S. Position
6 The Sequence of Negotiations
7 Points of Debate
8 The Immediate Aftermath
9 New Science, New Urgency
10 The Road to Helsinki
11 The Protocol in Evolution
12 The South Claims a Role
13 Strong Decisions in London
14 Accelerating the Phaseout
15 A New Phase for the Protocol
16 "Common but Differentiated Responsibilities"
17 Promoting Compliance
18 New Controls for North and South
19 A New Global Diplomacy: Ozone Lessons and Climate Change
Appendix A. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, March 1985
Appendix B. Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer, September 1987
Appendix C. London Revisions to the Montreal Protocol, June 1990 (Excerpts)
Appendix D. Montreal Protocol Phaseout Schedules
Appendix E. Terms of Reference for the Multilateral Fund
Appendix F. Terms of Reference of the Executive Committee
Appendix G. Noncompliance Procedure
Appendix H. The Nearly Universal Treaty: Parties to the 1985 ViennaConvention and the 1987 Montreal Protocol, with Ratifications to the1990 London Amendment and 1992 Copenhagen Amendment
Select Ozone Bibliography
Table of Contents provided by Publisher