Content :
Part 1. Decision to Become an Enterpreneur
1. Introduction to Enterpreneirship
Part 2. Developing Successful Business ideas
2. Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas
3. Feasibility Analysis
4. Developing an Effective Business Model
5. Industry and Competitor Analysis
6. Writing a Business Plan
Part 3. Moving from an idea to an Entrepreneurial Firm
7. Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation
8. Assessing a New Venture's Financial Strength
9. Building a New-Venture Team
10.Getting Financing or Funding
Part 4. Managing and Growing an Entrepreneurial Firm
11.Unique Marking Issues
12.The Importance of Intellectual Property
13.Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth
14.Strategies for Firm Growth
Name Index
Company Index
Subject Index