Description :
A Framework for Human Resource Management provides students and practicing managers with a brief and a lucid review of essential HR management concepts and techniques in a highly readable and understandable form. As expected, it has been used successfully in several situations: in modularized undergraduate and graduate courses that necessarily blend several topics (such as management and HR, or HR and OB); in college courses (such as those offered in quarters or shortened semesters) in which the professor wants a relatively brief treatment of HR; in more specialized HR courses such as "HR in high-technology companies" and by practicing managers who want to update their HR skills with a brief and intensive review of the subject. The book's basic mission is to provide readers with a concise review of HR's core concepts and techniques, supported, for those who want it, by a complete multimedia and Internet-based learning package. Because all managers have personnel-related responsibilities, this book is aimed at all students of management, not just those who will someday be human resource managers.
The chapter titles are unchanged from the successful previous edition, but a number of other changes have been made. The research and topics throughout all chapters have, of course, been updated to reflect the latest findings and thinking in the HR field, and, in addition, a number of topics have been expanded in response to reviewer suggestions. Expanded coverage includes employment at will and dot-com company pay, for instance. Additional examples (including more small-business and global examples) have been added throughout the text. Because of the rapid deployment ofcomputerized techniques and information technology in HR, many more examples of HR technology, and Web-based HR are integrated throughout all chapters. Modern managers are constantly coping with an implementing change, and so the general topic of change and, specifically, examples of how HR management concepts and techniques can be useful in managing change have also been expanded.
Content :
Chapter 1. Managing Human Resources Today
Chapter 2. Managing Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Chapter 3. Personnel Planning and Recruiting
Chapter 4. Testing and Selecting Employees
Chapter 5. Training and Developing Employees
Chapter 6. Performance Management and Appraisal
Chapter 7. Compensating Employees
Chapter 8. Ethics and Fair Treatment in Human Resource Management
Chapter 9. Managing Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
Chapter 10. Protecting Safety and Health
Module A: Managing HR Globally
Appendix A: Comprehensive Cases
Name Index
Subject Index
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