Content :
Preface. Preface to the Second Edition.
The Generic Microcomputer.
The Architecture of a Microprocessor.
The 8085A CPU.
The 8085A Instruction Set.
Memory and Input/Output Addressing.
8085A Minimum System Configuration.
EPROM and RAM Memories: 2764 and 6264.
Programmable Keyboard/Display Interface: 8279.
Programmable Interval Timer: 8253.
Programmable Peripheral Interface: 8255.
Serial Communication and the USART 8251.
Programmable DMA Controller: 8257.
Programmable Interrupt Controller: 8259.
Appendix A: A Summary of Basic Digital Circuits.
Appendix B: Some Assembly Language Programs.
Appendix C: Design Principles and Full Circuit Description of the Microcomputer CASE 3.1.
Appendix D: 8085A Instruction Set Tables.
Problems. Solutions to the Problems.