Price : Rs.250.00Rs.200.00 ISBN : 9788120345973
Page : 260 Year of Publication : 2012
Edition : SECOND EDITION Publisher : MIT Press
Description :
The book is a compact and easy to navigate text on the subject. It offers a quick and accessible reference for anyone who wants to know C# in detail. It is particularly useful for C# learners who are familiar with Java.
This second edition has been updated and expanded, reflecting the evolution and extension of the C# programming language. It covers C# versions 3.0 and 4.0 (as covered in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010), and provides a look ahead at some of the innovations of version 5.0. In particular, it describes asynchronous programming as found in version 5.0.
The book describes C# in detail but informally and concisely, presenting lambda expressions, extension methods, anonymous object expressions, object initializers, collection initializers, local variable type inference, type dynamic, type parameter covariance and contravariance, and Linq (language integrated query), among other topics. It also provides more than 250 examples to illustrate both common use and subtle points. Two-page spreads show general rules on the left and relevant examples on the right, maximizing the amount of information accessible at a glance.